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The Door in the Attic

Written by Kit Campbell

Warning: Do not read in the dark.

 “Yes, I know it’s silly,” Janey said, holding her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she climbed into the attic, a cardboard box under one arm, “but how else will there be long-lost things in the attic if I don’t put things in the attic to be lost? No one else is going to have left anything up there, the house isn’t old enough.” The attic itself wasn’t much to look at: mostly exposed woodwork and insulation, but the previous owners had put in a bit of a floor in one corner, probably for their own storage, and she fully intended to make use of it. Janey set the box down triumphantly and pulled a flashlight out of her pocket, shining it around. “Yep, nothing else to see here except the inside of my ceiling and…” She trailed off as her light reflected off something metallic at the far end of the room. “Hold on, let me call you back.”

She hung up and slid the phone into her back pocket. The building inspector had been quite clear that there was nothing of interest in the attic, so perhaps it was just some exposed piping, but Janey had never let her curiosity go unanswered. Making her way gingerly along the framing, she crept towards the back of the house.

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Hands-On Learning

Written by KD Sarge


A short from the Dream'verse! I don't know where exactly in the lives of Taro and Rafe this story falls. Someday I'll set it firmly in the chronology. Until then I'll just say it's definitely after the events of Knight Errant and His Faithful Squire.

General warning for lust-filled thoughts of one very horny man. Let's say adults only, shall we?


Studying on the bed was a bad plan. Rafe had never thought it a particularly good one, but he hadn't wanted to take the time to clear the kitchen table after breakfast, and the lounge was far too cluttered three days into exam week.

That was his own fault. Every time Taro tried to pick up, Rafe dropped everything to help even though it pissed Taro off. He'd spent too many years keeping Taro's home nice to break the habit now, so they had both agreed that the mess would just stay until exams were over.

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Introducing Fey Touched, our August 1st release

Written by Erin Zarro

Fey Touched CoverErin here. Fey Touched is my first novel release from Turtleduck Press. It's science fantasy. Here's a short teaser from chapter 1.

A bit of background: Fallon is a Hunter looking for some very important information and discovers something she never thought possible.

Warning: some explicit language.


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Doomsday (near-future SF)

Written by Kit Campbell

“Man, that throw was crap. Boo. Boo!” Luke watches as Jordan half-heartedly throws a potato chip at the big-screen TV. Fortunately for both the TV and the quarterback, he’s had a few too many and the chip makes it a grand total of about three feet.

“Bravo,” Luke mumbles into his own beer. Maybe he should cut his friend off. It was always hard to tell, though; judge it wrong, and sometimes you got the potato chips to your face instead. “Dude, change the channel. This is going to end poorly.”

Jordan spares one last condescending glance for the football game before beginning to channel surf. Luke watches the shows flash by: something about weddings, something about babies, something about people wrestling in jello. Man, reality TV really was the pits.

Jordan finally pauses on some spin-off of what was once an educational channel. “ALIENS,” proclaims the program, much too loudly, “Are they living in your basement?”


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Kit Campbell

Kit Campbell used to be an aerospace engineer, but it turns out that there's a lot less launching of awesome things into space and a lot more paperwork than one would think. More

Siri Paulson

Siri Paulson writes all over the fantasy and science fiction spectrum, including (so far) secondary-world fantasy, urban fantasy, steampunk, historical paranormal, and things set in space. Maybe someday she'll pick one and settle down. More

KD Sarge

KD Sarge writes for joy and hope, and works for a living. She has tried her hand at many endeavors, including Governess of the Children, Grand Director of the Drive-Through, and Dispatcher of the Tow Trucks. More

Erin Zarro

Erin Zarro has been a poet since she was 11, when she discovered free verse poetry. She has been published in literary magazines such as Prism Galliard, Lucid Moon, Pen & Ink Magazine, and Nomad's Choir, among others. More