Why I Write Unscientific Science Fiction

In the writing world, lots of advice gets flung about. Show, don’t tell. No prologues ever. Write with the reader in mind. One bit of dogma oft-repeated is that if you’re thinking of a genre story, ask yourself what makes it genre. Why does it need to be, say, science fiction? If it can occur just anywhere, why put it in outer space? Putting aside the implied stigma of “oh noes, don’t write genre if you don’t have to!” it’s actually a legitimate planning question. I’m all for chasing inspiration, but one should be sure it’s inspiration one follows, and not merely habit. So why am I writing SF? Especially unscientific SF, or as a friend on Twitter recently put it, “fantasy-ish stuff?” Even in the slums of genre, you see, a pecking order exists, and space opera is pretty low in the ranks. SF is about ideas, some will announce, forgetting the origins of SF in the pulp magazines. SF is about science, some will sneer. Faster Than Light travel is fantasy.* Why am I, then, writing stuff that makes me that oddest of creatures, a Turtleduck?

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Psychic Moments

The women in my family are very psychic.  Whether you believe in it or not, something is definitely going on.  Perhaps we’re just really intuitive.  Or maybe our brains work slightly differently.  Whatever the case, I’m continuously amazed by our abilities to predict things. The one that has hit home for me is very recent.  Something huge happened this past Thursday, which ironically was October 13th (I’m very superstitous about dates but that’s another post for another day).  It was bad.  Life-altering, crisis bad.  When my husband called me to tell me what had happened, I was initially shocked.  But then I remembered: I’d predicted this very thing six months ago.  I’d given my husband advice based on a strong feeling that something — this very thing — was going to happen.

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Musings from the Muse

Before I start in with my post, I’d like to make an announcement.  We at Turtleduck Press will be releasing a winter-themed anthology on December 1st.  It’s called Winter’s Night, and it has some awesome stories by our members and some awesome poetry that I wrote.  It’s the perfect thing to curl up with on a cold winter day.  Stay tuned for more information.  We’ll be having giveaways as we get closer to release.   I’ll be honest.  Something huge and life-altering has happened with my husband.  Don’t worry, we’re not divorcing and he isn’t dying.  But it’s pretty huge and is going to impact our life for the foreseeable future.  I’m scared, but I’m coping.   However, I’m still in a very wacked-out headspace, so I decided to give you a peek into a normal weekend day for me (or, what passes for normal) and my muse. Here we go.

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A Night of Wonder

Imagine. Imagine that for one night, your city is transformed into a strange and magical place. Art installations sprout everywhere, in dark alleys and concrete plazas and green parks, on streets, dangling in the air between buildings, projected onto the facades of other buildings, inside tiny galleries and indie shops. Huge crowds of people wander the sidewalks and block the roads, all experiencing and participating in a city turned art playground. For one night. This is Nuit Blanche.

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