Birthday Wonderings

Tomorrow is my birthday.  I won’t tell you how old I’m going to be, as I think that’s against the International Law of Women, and you don’t want to cross them.  Suffice it to say that I will be under 30, at least for a little bit longer.

While I occasionally have feelings of “Oh my god, when did I get so old?” for the most part I still look forward to my birthday every year with a general feeling of glee.  It’s probably a bit unseemly at my age, but I can’t control it.

After some point, it seems a bit silly to get excited about one’s birthday.  I won’t suddenly gain the ability to do anything again until 55.  I don’t even like cake.

Part of me thinks it may just be the euphoria I get swept up in every October.  I love October, probably more than a month deserves to be loved.  I love it a lot.  Many of my favorite things happen in October.

Part of me thinks it’s because it’s a day where I’m allowed to bask in my own glory.  (My very modest glory.  Yeeees.  Very modest.)  I like hearing from my friends and family, some of whom I only get to talk to on my birthday.

Part of it is probably that I can have my friends do ridiculous things in honor of me.  (A few years ago, we got a bit tipsy, dressed up in my costumes from my trove, and went bowling.  It was epic.)

Whatever the reason, I still get a bit giddy when it’s this time of year.  Maybe I’m just an overgrown kid, but it’s nice to feel loved.

One Comment:

  1. Happy birthday! May epic find you every year!

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