Trying Out New Skills

Happy Valentine’s Day: I drew you a turtleduck.

Valentine Turtleduck



I know this seems very random, but do you really expect anything less from us? My favorite part of it is that the turtleduck itself is acceptably turtleduck-y, but my handwriting looks like a left-handed chicken did it.

My husband got me a wacom tablet for Christmas. The drawing is coming along. The writing…depends. It is lovely and mostly I have been using it for drawing landsquid and ceiling turtles over at my personal blog, but he got it for me so I can more easily work on a secret dream of mine.

I want to write an illustrated chapter book. The kind where you get a picture or two a chapter, and if anything it only enhances your imagination of the rest of the story. I want it to be something I can give to my own children and nieces and nephews and friends’ children and have it be something they enjoy reading and looking at over and over and over.

I have a general plot, characters, and a setting. What I’m really missing is drawing practice. So you get a turtleduck, and I get one step closer to seeing my dream become a reality.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you, and remember that all chocolate will be half-priced tomorrow.

One Comment:

  1. I love your turtleduck! I’ve had the same problem with the writing, though. It makes me snicker.

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