
I am a creature of habit, and I tend to not do so well with changes, even positive ones.  But I am also a firm believer in making your own destiny, so sometimes those two ideas collide.

Like right now.  I’m embarking on a huge life change.  It’s scary, it’s crazy, it’s the unknown.  But the basis of this is wanting to change my life, wanting to better myself.  Not being a victim of circumstance.  Unfortunately, that’s what my life has turned into — things keep happening and I react as best I can…but I’ve been feeling emotionally drained by it all.  And I have to put the blame where it belongs — on myself for making the choices I’ve made.

None of these choices were bad choices per se.  I’d been in some difficult situations and at the time, the choice I made was the best one.  But now that I’m older and wiser, I’m starting to realize that things don’t have to stay the same.  I can change my life, change my destiny.


So, hence, the big life change I’m contemplating.  What scares me the most is that it’s not familiar.  I’ve become accustomed to a routine, so much that even considering changing something about it makes me anxious.  I mean, while the status quo is familiar, it’s not right for me anymore.  I need to go beyond the easy, beyond the surface.  I need to find out who I really am.  I know I am strong enough. I know I can do this.  But when it comes down to changing or not, what side will I choose?

I want to choose change.  I want to change my life.  I want to be able to soar higher than I ever have.  I want to be able to say I survived.  I changed my life, no one else did.  And it’s so much better for it.

But there’s fear and worry and negativity.  A lot of the things involved with this are completely out of my control, and that’s a really tough place to be.  But I have to try, because if I don’t, I will regret it forever.

So I will try to embrace change instead of the alternative.  I will determine my own destiny.  And I will be stronger for it.

What changes are scary for you?  What side would you choose?

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