I Want Out!

  I want a new house. Badly. It’s possible some of this urge is envy of Siri’s new home. It sounds like she has so much space, and I just love old houses, and I might even grow a few herbs if I had a back yard, or even just a little more space on my porch… A lot of it, though, is that my apartment is simply too small. I knew it was small when I moved in five years ago, but since then my kid has grown about a foot (I swear!) and grown more social. Also I’ve acquired a housemate. I thought it was just temporary, but she likes living here and I like having her here. Add to the fact that I am working on getting some balance in my life, which means walking away from my computer, but if I walk into the living room to read or watch TV or exercise, there’s the housemate, in the place she goes to get away from the kid who has no idea how to SHARE A ROOM…

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