New Year’s Resolutions and the Tail End of January

Remember the resolutions you made a month ago? How are you doing on them — are you still going strong? Did they fizzle and die right away? Or are you somewhere in between, struggling along, weighed down by the cold and dark and sheer endlessness of January? That last one is where I’m at right now. My goals for this year have to do with making space — clearing out physical, mental, and time-filling clutter so I can refocus on what’s important to me. The very first step in that goal was to spend more time writing. Instead, I’m spending less time writing and more time…renovating my house? I’m doing a writing challenge that involves twice-weekly check-ins on my blog. If you read those posts, you might notice a lot of what sound like rationalizations or excuses. I’m busy with Real Life. I’m not writing a lot but it’s quality over quantity. Renovations also relate to my goal of “making space”. But all of that is deliberate.

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