Constructing an Anthology Story

Man, I love putting together the anthologies. I love the challenge of writing to a specific prompt, and coming up with a story that not only works for the theme, but also (hopefully) that I like as well.

For our latest, Under Her Protection, we were tasked with writing a fantasy story in which the hero was a woman tied in with a bit of romance. 

Sky’s the limit, right?

When I’m working with a specific theme, sometimes I get a story right away. Sometimes I don’t. And when I don’t, I dig into my inspiration files. I keep a word document with phrases, ideas, themes–anything that’s appealed to me, that give me that itch that promises there’s a story there. And, more recently, I’ve also been using an inspiration board on Pinterest.

For my story, Drifting, for Under Her Protection, I used this picture for inspiration.

As I work on more and more short stories, I’ve noticed that there’s some story elements that I really like. Old objects, keys and mirrors and books. Rivers and what they’ve dragged into their depths. Family secrets. 

With Drifting, I started with the key and Maddie (she was supposed to be Mattie, but then when I actually started, the other spelling came out, and I find it’s best to not fight characters on that sort of thing). The rest of the story fell into place from there, with a lot more depth than I initially expected.

I wish all stories came out quite as easily. 

Anyway, if you haven’t checked out Under Her Protection, you should. I always love to see the story variations on a single theme. Fantasy is a broad genre, and UHP incorporates everything from fairy tales to dark fantasy, with heroines and love interests that manage to be completely different. Pick up a copy and give it a try!


  1. I love that picture, Kit. It’s awesome to see the seedling that became your story. 😉

  2. Also loving the picture!

    I was amused when Siri pointed out the “prince in a tower” trope–it hadn’t even occurred to me when I got Srivasi stuck.

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