So Many Ideas, Never Enough Time

Good morning, friends! I hope you’re all having a lovely Tuesday and that the sun is shining and birds are chirping, but not too loudly and at a reasonable time, unlike the birds that chirp outside my bedroom at freaking 5 am.

You know what sucks about being a creative sort of person? You have SO MANY things you want to do, and the majority of those things are never going to get done.

Yesterday I was going through my story idea document, and I noticed several story ideas where I had plotted out a short story or novel in its entirety, and then apparently I’d never gone any further.

I made a list of things I wanted to do (or needed to do) in April and May, and it included a good fifteen different bullet points of outlining, writing, marketing. Three different short stories. Two different novels. A serial story. Plus blog posts and talking to people and updating some marketing materials I should have done forever ago.

Will everything get done? I can hope, but probably not. I knew even at the time that I was being overly ambitious. I certainly want to get everything done, and maybe in a perfect world, where the house cleaned itself and I had unlimited money, it would.

At least I’ve kept myself from adding on to the list since I originally made it. Those pre-plotted stories are very tempting, after all.

It is infuriating, though, to think that I shall never be able to write all the stories I dream up in my head.

I think that’s what makes writer’s block so very terrible. You have all these ideas, bouncing around all the time, sometimes distracting you from what you should be doing, and then sometimes there’s these periods where, despite all your ideas, nothing’s coming and nothing works, and how ironic is that?

My idea document keeps getting longer and longer. The current one is at least eight pages long, and I just found some older ones. Yikes.

I don’t suppose anyone knows any ways to stuff several more hours in the day, do they? 


  1. oh man. I wish. SO MUCH to write…

  2. Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

    In my head, I have finished, polished, published versions of all the novels I’ve ever written, even the ones that are now buried in the deep dark recesses of my files never to be seen again. Alas.

  3. *nods* Yep, same here. My priority list, current as of January, has 40 (!!!) books/novellas/etc. on it. The “within the next two years” priority list has 10 items on it. Wut. I must have been drunk when I wrote that.

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