Hey Hey, We Won the Super Bowl

In a break from our normal subject matter here, I’m going to talk about football.

You can’t escape it around here these days. You see, we (meaning me, Kit, and the rest of Colorado) won the Super Bowl on Sunday. Well, the Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl. I did very little to help.

Super Bowl 50!

I don’t want to tell you how old I was when we last won in 1999.

(I was 16.)

I won’t admit to being a big football fan. I–and my entire family–do own the requisite Broncos gear, which we remember to wear a few times a season, normally during the playoffs, and we might catch a game here or there when there’s nothing better to be doing. And we watch the Super Bowl every year, no matter who’s playing, to hang out with our friends and watch the commercials.

And I have to admit that I wasn’t terribly wowed by the actual game. The AFC playoff against the Patriots was a better game. (Boo, Patriots. Lots of times we watch the Super Bowl to hopefully watch someone else crush the Pats.) The defense played amazingly, but that doesn’t make for a terribly exciting game. (Except for when they scored a touchdown.) And the commercials…was it just me, or where they almost uniformly boring this year? And not a Clydesdale to be seen.

But we won, and we are very excited about it. I’m watching the rally downtown on TV as I write this, and they’re estimating over a million people are down there right now. Do you know the population of Denver, Colorado? It’s about 650,000. The population of the entire state is about 5 million. A full 20% of the population of the entire state is in Civic Center Park, which is not a very large park.

So I find myself in the weird state of mind of being dragged along with the crowd for something that is exciting, but isn’t necessarily personally exciting.

But yay! Go Broncos!

(Holy cow! A million people. They’re taking up like five square blocks. Can the people in the back hear what’s happening at all?)

One Comment:

  1. I’m ~trying~ to think of a comment that isn’t one of those super-annoying “oh, there was a sports thing?” but, umm…

    How’s the weather?

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