107,000 words written on Ever Touched – and Deep Thoughts

So, since I’ve hit the 100k milestone on Ever Touched and went beyond it, I thought I’d talk about some things I’ve discovered or learned or just plain thought about with this novel.

#1 The first draft is not done yet. Technically, I have till the end of the month, but as that is fast approaching, I may not make it. I have at least 15-20k more to go minimum. I may do what I did with both Fey Touched and Grave Touched. Start the revision anyway, and write the ending once I get there.

#2 The good news is that I have a comprehensive plan for the ending. The bad news is, I had to replot it twice. I’m not ruling out a third or fourth time.

#3 Usually, a book’s theme song comes to me while planning. And I usually listen to it as I write the book. With Ever Touched, the theme song announced itself last week, after writing over 100,000 words. What the hell. (For the curious, it’s “The Sound of Silence” covered by Disturbed. Once you watch and hear it, you’ll understand why. Helpful link is helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk7RVw3I8eg

#4 In every book I write, there’s a scene that could be a movie scene: intense action, intense feels, heartbreak, distress, characters in peril, etc. It’s the one scene that for me, encapsulates the entire book. Fey Touched has one. Grave Touched had one.  Ever Touched has one, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I almost cried while writing it. It’s the scene where [redacted] says [redacted] to [redacted]. …You thought I’d give you a big honking spoiler? Hell no! Read it and feel all those feels for yourself.

#5 Ever Touched’s plot remained roughly the same as my initial loose plot. Which is scary because that never happens.

#6 The ending of Ever Touched almost veered off into a different direction, too different and too removed from what the book was about. I only had to cut 3,000 words.

#7 I considered ending it on a cliffhanger. No, I won’t. Because I’m nice like that.

#8 One character who was supposed to die may actually survive. Can’t promise anything, as I haven’t started the revision yet. He or she may still bite it at the end.

#9 I’m still trying to figure out if I will end the series with Ever Touched, or continue with at least one more book. I have a few characters whose lives I wanted to explore, but I figure I can always do novellas or something. But more importantly, is this a good place to end? I don’t have that answer yet.

#10 I have at least one spin-off series in mind, but I’m not sure of the execution. Or if I want to go down that particular road. Decisions, decisions.

BONUS! #11 The love story part of Ever Touched will absolutely break your heart. But, you will love these two characters. I love them dearly (and yes, if you’ve read Fey Touched or Grave Touched, you’ve met them both). There’s also another character I love, who’s a bit different, who may end up as a mate to one of the Hunters. No promises. Depends on Things.

BONUS! #12 The name “Ever Touched” came to me one day while pondering an ability a few of the characters possess. I absolutely love it.

BONUS! #12.5 There’s a different sort of being in Ever Touched that’s pretty unique. And when my muse (or subconscious) tossed it up to me one day at work, I was stunned. But they are SO COOL YOU HAVE NO IDEA.

Okay, I think that’s enough. Ever Touched, if all goes well and nothing implodes, will release next year. It’s been fun, and a challenge, and boy, what a story. I got chills just thinking about it.

And, hopefully you’ll like it. 🙂

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