Fail and Fail and Try Again

So…every six months like clockwork, except not, because I’m just not that regular about anything at all, I decide I want to get my stuff together. I do! I have seen the improvement in my life with every infinitesimal mote of progress I make in that direction. So I try. And I try some more. And I fail. And I fail some more, but maybe not completely… You may remember my efforts from such hits as On A Higher Level (2014), Happy New Year! Or Something (2016), Standard Operating Procedure (2016), New Year, New Filing System (2018), Organization is Good (2019), Chasing Productivity (2019)… I thought sure I had a 2020 one too, but that’s on my own blog. Just One Resolution (2020) (spoiler: I did not continue looking at my bullet journal every day.) My thinking, it seems to me, is very chaotic. Last night I went to brush my teeth and somehow ended up starting the dishwasher, and didn’t realize I hadn’t brushed my teeth until I’d been in bed for ten minutes. UGH. I guess that’s why it’s so hard to corral my brain. But whatever. I’m being kind to myself, and trying again. Here is my newest attempt at a bullet journal. Well, the start of it. I’m considering what else I want to do with it besides a weekly planner. Probably chore tracking? Habit tracking? Do I want to do that? I mean, I want to build good habits, but tracking doesn’t seem to have…

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Organization is Good

My schedule makes me free. If I keep repeating that, I’ll come to believe it, right? >_> Well, here we are. It’s time once again for KD Sarge’s not-quite-yearly attempt to get organized. Falling, as usual, right after KD Sarge’s nearly-annual freakout about how little got done last year. Whee? Eventually, I believe, I’m going to get my carp together. It’s going to happen. I have faith. I’m back on the BuJo train again, but this time I’m staying away from Pinterest layouts and such. My bullet journal will never look like those, because that’s not what I want to spend my time on. If it reminds me of the things I need to remember when I need to remember them? That’s all I need from it. I’ll just save my pretty gel pens for my adult coloring books with pretty mandalas and swear words. And also Postcards to Voters. And my washi tape for…random craft projects because I totally do those. Yeah. I’ll figure something out, I’m sure. But the thing with my BuJo, which probably had something to do with my dropping it the last two times I tried, is that it can’t help me if I never open it. So I’ve got a schedule too. I wrote it on a chalkboard on my wall (large, because I am amazing at ignoring with singular attention anything I’m supposed to be doing, but obviously, the bigger it is the harder to ignore, so…) That’s for my after-work evenings, when…

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I Think I Need A Planner – Or Something

Wanna hear something scary? I went through my entire day, oblivious to the fact that it was my turn to post a blog here. Normally, I’m plan it in advance, and I get it written early in the evening. Nope. It’s after 10:30pm, and I am now just sitting down to write this. I spaced on a recent TDP meeting. Just…forgot. The other scary thing is that I have a planner. It’s called Commit30, and I thought it would be fun to try. But please note that the last time someone asked me to use a planner (teacher in high school), I did all my planning in my head and then wrote it all up the day it was due. Because I usually plan in my head, and for years, it has worked. I was younger then, and I had a better memory. Now? It seems that I need something more. The planner is cool, but I still have trouble finding the time to write stuff. I still plan in my head mostly. And, oddly enough, I write it in, but I rarely ever look at it after that. Epic fail. I’ve also experimented with using the app Trello. It’s cool because I can do a version of Holly Lisle’s planning: one list for To Do, one list for Doing, and one list for Done. And then I move stuff along as I go. I’ve been using it with great success for camping to do lists, and recently when I was so overwhelmed with…

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