Happy Surprises

As I’ve confessed before, I’m super good at finding ways to procrastinate. Or maybe I should call it vegetating? Self-care? Anyway. It’s been a rough week for me, with tons of stuff to do and a good amount at home, so naturally I’ve been wasting time, this go-around on YouTube. Yes. I’m watching competition-show auditions. I just love watching the joy–the happy judges, the jumping families, the contestant’s realization that they really are pretty blasted awesome, that this dream isn’t silly, that their work wasn’t wasted… And I just love love LOVE when Simon Cowell’s eyebrows go up. And that happy sigh as he watches Susan Boyle in that first audition. (You’ve seen this one, haven’t you?) Just remember, if you’re needing happy and you want more music from one of these stars, for sanity’s sake, search on YouTube or specifically search “so and so MUSIC” because otherwise you get all these click-baity articles like how this group broke up or that singer “slammed” the people on the show that discovered her. Now let’s get back to the music and the happy. This lady has everyone dancing! And how cute are these two? And now we’re just posting some videos. Because you deserve to have your socks knocked off. I mean, what’s not to love? Look at this young lady from Ukraine. If you haven’t seen this already, you HAVE to see this girl. Such a sweet voice, so much talent, and she writes songs too. And she’s overcoming one…

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This post is brought to you by the word “Sleep”

Ah, yes. Sleep. Curling up in your bed, under your covers just so, your brain refreshing and resetting for the next day. It’s awesome. Except when it’s habitually interrupted. Say what? Well, you see, my mother just had her second knee replacement surgery. For those of you who don’t know, it’s incapacitating those first few months. So my sister and I are helping her with things. She also has an elderly, sick dog who needs practically round-the-clock care. And he sometimes gets up as early as 5am. And sometimes doesn’t go back to sleep after he eats and is let out. Luckily, that’s not a regular occurrence. However, there’s his feeding/medication schedule: he’s fed three times a day and given various medications also three times a day. I had to set alarms for everything or I’d forget something. Now I’m a bit better, but if I get absorbed in something I still may forget. And then there’s letting him out to do his business. He could theoretically go out ten times in a row and only pee once or twice. But because we’re afraid to have accidents, we let him out every single time. And that’s exhausting because you have to watch him and then make sure he gets a treat afterward. But I am not complaining. Honest. He’s a sweet dog, and loving, and I know somewhere in that little brain of his he appreciates our love and care. He’s a former puppy mill dog, and when my mom…

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Ten Things I Learned On My Spring Vacation

I’m back from vacation! Did you miss me? (Don’t answer that.) If you’re anything like me, coming back to real life is always hard, although it’s also good to be home. And if you’re anything like me, you love to overthink analyze everything. So here goes: Things I Have Learned About Myself On Vacation. 1. When I’m on vacation, I really just want to go on leisurely walks…explore neighborhoods to find delicious restaurants and fun coffee shops…nap/lounge around…rinse and repeat. This is also true on long weekends at home, or even longer staycations–except of course it’s cheaper to do it at home. 2. But it’s nice to be away from all the “shoulds” of home, and my ongoing mental to-do list. 3. I always think I’m going to get lots of writing done. This is a lie, especially if seeing/visiting family is involved. (I miss my folks and want to spend tons of time with them when I can. Thank goodness I’m an introvert and need recharge time, and thank goodness they’re all fine with that.) The only time it ever happens is if the vacation is designated as a writing retreat and nothing else. Even then, 4 or 5 solid hours a day is my limit. Otherwise, it’s 1 or 2 hours, tops. 4. Maybe that’s okay. After all, a person needs some time off from the little niggling voice in the back of the brain that says “You should be writing!” 5. My mattress is clearly too soft,…

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