Who is Erin Zarro?

Erin Zarro is an indie novelist and poet living in Michigan. She’s married to her Prince Charming, and she has a feline child named Hailey who she’s convinced is part vampire. She loves all things scary and spooky, and is on a mission to scare herself, as nothing lately has scared her. She writes in the genres of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. Her first published novel, Fey Touched, is a blend of sci-fi and fantasy. She is currently working on Book 3 of her Fey Touched series, Ever Touched, and is trying to stay out of trouble. Mostly. Her website is at erinzarro.com.  

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Life as a Moving Target Excerpt

ESSENCE I ask myself:what is the essence of me? Is it in each heartbeat and breath I take,or is it the invisible, the intangible, the something, my soul?They probe every darkened corner of my brain,they navigate the vast map of neurons, synapses, memory. They record every beat of my heart, my voice, my echo. They search for that something, the elusive malfunction,what resonates within the vessel walls, what reverberates,what stops. They use big words to describethe most mundane of things. But within each new word lies not one clue,not one answer to one very important question. To map and study my internal workingsis not an accurate representationof the essence of me. My something. So, I walk through shadows, and watch thelights dance for me in the most mundane places. I live my days always falling, never stilled, never without motion. I collect names of ailments and bury themalong with soured fragments of hope I once carried. I watch as my world gets dimmer and my balance fails me. I wrap myself in promises that snap shut, answers that may never reveal themselves. I hope to find the one thing that I cannot touch: the Truth.     Return to Life as a Moving Target page.

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Life as a Moving Target

    Life as a Moving Target is a poetry chapbook that explores living with fibromyalgia and intractable vertigo, from onset of symptoms to getting a diagnosis. Also the aftermath, learning to cope and manage the condition. Poems of hope, courage, and strength of spirit. Read an excerpt here. Buy the softcover here. Purchase the Kindle edition here. (If you do not own a Kindle, the software is available for free.) View the estore here.

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