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Baking Lessons (Dream'verse)

Written by KD Sarge


In A Debt Reclaimed, readers saw that to some, Kari's Port is a city of danger and destruction. Other citizens, of course, enjoy a more peaceful existence. Even in the coziest of places, though, the past is never so far away as some would like it to be. In the history of the Dream'verse, this story takes place about four years before the events of A Debt Reclaimed (So eight years before Knight Errant.)There's a handy chronology post over here on


"Oh, yes," Granny Varros said as she opened the oven. "Those look just about perfect."

Zeke Cayden nibbled his cookie and watched wide-eyed. With this batch, he was not allowed to help. Instead, his guard Soran came to take the mitts, pulling them on before he drew the tray from the oven and placed it carefully on the stove. The newest batch didn't look like the tarts Granny called them; they looked like dumplings, and so pretty. A nice warm brown, just a few shades lighter than his hand reaching--

"No!" Granny's wooden spoon snapped out and Zeke's hand stung. "I told you, lad. Until they cool, hands off. The reaction is still in flux. They could explode if you touch."

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Celestial Voices (historical)

Written by Siri Paulson



The fountain in the courtyard still trickles, though the water is green and fouled and the courtyard is littered with shards of clay roof tiles. The gate to the interior of the convent hangs open; there is no-one to stop me from entering. This time, I can walk under the archway as I please, my steps careful as I place my cane on the broken cobblestones.

This time, there is no singing.

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Time Management (near-future SF)

Written by Kit Campbell


“I demand a refund!” The man slammed his fist down on the counter that separated them.

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A Debt Reclaimed (Dream'verse)

Written by KD Sarge


This is an excerpt from In Shining Armor, not yet published. It takes place a few years before the events of Knight Errant.There's a handy chronology post over here on




If she didn't know where she was by the coordinates, Eve would have known by the smell. It hit her the second the airlock opened. Only Kari's Port smelled like gas smoke and wood smoke and burning dead people smoke all at once.


Hell if it didn't smell like home. The sky was the same blank grey as ever, but right then it looked good to Eve. At the bottom of the ramp she stopped for a stretch. Mikey looked down at her; she grinned back.


"Damn doc's been fussing since we broke out of h-space," she said. "Makes this seem peaceful."


"Next time lock him in a locker," Mikey rumbled. "So. Ye Captain Marcori here, or the Bitch?"


"Bitch," Eve said, rolling her shoulders to loosen her back. "Place is hostile as hell. Old ladies got bombs in their bags, and kids pack pistols."

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Kit Campbell

Kit Campbell used to be an aerospace engineer, but it turns out that there's a lot less launching of awesome things into space and a lot more paperwork than one would think. More

Siri Paulson

Siri Paulson writes all over the fantasy and science fiction spectrum, including (so far) secondary-world fantasy, urban fantasy, steampunk, historical paranormal, and things set in space. Maybe someday she'll pick one and settle down. More

KD Sarge

KD Sarge writes for joy and hope, and works for a living. She has tried her hand at many endeavors, including Governess of the Children, Grand Director of the Drive-Through, and Dispatcher of the Tow Trucks. More

Erin Zarro

Erin Zarro has been a poet since she was 11, when she discovered free verse poetry. She has been published in literary magazines such as Prism Galliard, Lucid Moon, Pen & Ink Magazine, and Nomad's Choir, among others. More