Psychic Moments

The women in my family are very psychic.  Whether you believe in it or not, something is definitely going on.  Perhaps we’re just really intuitive.  Or maybe our brains work slightly differently.  Whatever the case, I’m continuously amazed by our abilities to predict things.

The one that has hit home for me is very recent.  Something huge happened this past Thursday, which ironically was October 13th (I’m very superstitous about dates but that’s another post for another day).  It was bad.  Life-altering, crisis bad.  When my husband called me to tell me what had happened, I was initially shocked.  But then I remembered: I’d predicted this very thing six months ago.  I’d given my husband advice based on a strong feeling that something — this very thing — was going to happen.


Sure, you could chalk it up to a good guess, or maybe reading patterns, but I’m not so sure.  When I get these feelings, they’re like tidal waves.  They crash into me and I can’t ignore them.  I just know.  I’ve learned over the years to never ignore a psychic moment.

I used to dabble in Tarot card reading.  A lot of people cry witchcraft, but it’s really not.  I feel it’s just a way to tap into your intuition and subconscious.  I used to regularly get psychic moments while doing readings.  They’d come as flashes or images.  Sometimes they’d be related to the actual cards, sometimes not.  But I was right all the time.  I once predicted a break up before there was any clue that it was about to happen.  I also caught someone who’d been cheating on his girlfriend from a flash I had during a reading.  Sometimes, it’s scary.

My mom, however, is even more psychic then me.  She’s shocked and surprised us with her psychic moments.  I remember one in particular that shook me up pretty badly.  I was having problems in a relationship, and he’d been cheating on me.  He went MIA for a weekend while I tried desperately to fix things.  My mom had a psychic moment that basically told us where he was and what was happening.  When we investigated it, she was 100% correct.

Unfortunately, for both of us, we can’t do this on command.  The moments come when they want to, and sometimes things aren’t always clear cut.  I’ve always told people that I can tell if someone’s lying or what he or she is really saying beneath the surface.  Again, you could argue that I’m just good at reading people, but to me it’s not quite it.  I get flashes about people all the time.  I tend to do this at work which is kind of scary.  I’m also able to predict almost 100% of the time who’s on the phone (we don’t have caller ID and it could be anybody — what are the odds?) which scares me sometimes. 

I totally believe that we’re only using 10% of our brains and that people can develop, over time, a way to predict things.  The key is lisening to your gut feelings, no matter how improbable it seems.  Most likely, they are right.

I had two psychic moments that completely stunned me.  One happened last year in the shower.  I kid you not.  I knew, with absolute certainty, that one of my books was going to be made into a movie.  I don’t know when or how, but I’m positive it’s true (now, to get the next draft going….).  The other one happened in the shower, too.  This one was the belief that I would be published within the next three years.  I totally believe that.  (As an aside, the shower is a great place to ponder these types of things because it’s almost like meditation.  The water’s beating on you and there’s not much to do that requires super concentration.  So I use this time regularly to brainstorm stuff.  I once wrote an entire poem in my head while in the shower.  Try it.  It’s amazing).

So, as Adam Lambert says, break out of the mechanical.  Look within.  You may find the answers you seek.

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