When Sci-Fi and Fantasy Collide

Imagine, for a moment, a world where science and technology prevail.  Then, imagine what would happen if magic found its way there.  What would change?  What would stay the same?  What kind of impact would it have on daily life? This is what I’ve been pondering for a long time.  Since November 2009, to be exact.  Back then (feels longer than it is), I imagined a dystopic world devoid of any creativity.  It was called Soulfire, and it was to be my novel for National Novel Writing Month (NanoWriMo).  Long story short: life happened, and I never got a chance to write it.  I put it into my To Be Written Within the Next Decade file, promising myself I’d explore this in the near future. So fast forward to October last year.  I got hit — no, hammered — with another idea that would fuse sci-fi and fantasy. That is the novel I’m writing right now, Fey Touched.  

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