Pushing It

Back when I was in college studying fine art photography, my teacher, Linda, impressed upon me some important concepts.  As the art scene was new to me, I was eager to learn anything and everything I could.  I loved that class.  To this day, I still use what I learned there in my photography…and in life. Linda used to tell us to find a concept and “push it.”  That is, push it to the limits of what’s expected, what’s comfortable.  Go further.  And keep on going. This stuck with me, and I was intrigued by the idea of self-portraiture.  Not because I was vain, but because with each new shoot, I learned something new about myself, about art, about the world around me.  I was pretty well-known for my self-portraits by the time I’d finished college and regretfully had to get out into the world again.

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