Adventure! Excitement! Spanish Verbs!

First let me say I’m not done publishing. I’m not done editing, and I’m certainly not done writing. Those things are and will continue to be a huge part of my life. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Turtleduck KD is here to stay.

That said, there’s a new adventure in my life. I’m loving every moment and I think I will never let it go again.

No, I’m not talking about Tom Hiddleston.

If you follow the news of my life (and seriously, why wouldn’t you? It’s so exciting!) you know that last week I went back to school. It’s been twenty years since my first meteoric (meaning, short and went down in flames) college career, but last week I went back.

I don’t know why I waited so long.

God help me, I am excited to get to my schoolwork every night. I have taken my Tumblr viewing from probably hours a day to less than an hour, I am that into this school experience. I compare that to high school, when I ditched a day a week* and did homework for one teacher in four years**, and I’m amused. Underneath, though, is a sense of wonder. How did I ever let this go?

I think I got used to it. I think I took it for granted, stopped thinking about how very much it meant to me to be learning new and amazing things every single day, and when I ran into big trouble I let it sink me.

That was a really dumb move. I don’t regret it—I don’t regret much of anything—but I can look back and go “that was dumb!” while still appreciating where it led.

Some people take a year off school to find themselves. I took more like twenty, but I found such a treasure. I’ve lived and loved and explored, changed and grown and got knocked on my butt more than once. And now—now I’m back. I’ve got another chance at school, and this one I’m going to flipping appreciate.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have homework.

*don’t tell my kid

**seriously—don’t tell my kid

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