The Year of Finishing Books

Ah, do you smell that? It’s the scent of a brand new year, full of promise and hope and unicorns.

Now, dear reader, are you like me? Do you feel compelled to finish a book you start, no matter how bad it is? Do you feel the need to push on to the bitter end which, invariably, takes forever because sometimes you’d rather do anything else than read another godforsaken sentence, but you feel you must press on?

Then you know that, sometimes, despite your best efforts, books fall by the wayside. The library wants them back before you’re done, or they get lost in the move–something happens to block your path. And then, eventually, they haunt you, breathing down your neck, demanding you finish them.

Well, then, I invite you to join me in my Year of Finishing Books. I’m going to hunt down every book I can think of that I started, but didn’t finish, excepting the very few that were so terrible I purposefully put them down (and then forgot existed).

I can think of three off the bat. They are:

The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

(The first I put down out of sheer disgust. The second I started over a decade ago, but got lost when finals set in–I was a junior in high school–and the third the library has a constant hold list for, despite the book being 25 years old.)

I’m sure I’ll come across more.

Will you join me? What books haunt you?

One Comment:

  1. I’ve been trying to finish [b]Guns, Germs, and Steel[/b] so long that I had to buy my own copy. In hardcover, no less!

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