Random Thoughts While Waiting for my Meds to Kick In…

Yeah.  So I’m on some pretty heavy meds for my eye, and I tend to get dizzy and loopy, so this should be interesting.  I’m at a loss for anything to say about it, except I’ve got more tests coming up and a super dose of IV steroids next week. (Hey, I get three days off work.  Gotta look at the positive).


So, random thoughts in no particular order:

1) Sometimes you’re the windshield.  Sometimes you’re the bug.  Given the day I’ve had, on very little sleep, I’m most definitely the bug.  Post-smash.

2) It’s been a long time since I’ve fallen asleep at work. (I actually had an actual medical reason for it before, and got the appropriate meds, so it hasn’t been an issue for like…forever).  Well, since I spent most of last night not sleeping due to my eye pain, I had to fight myself most of the morning not to sleep.  It didn’t help that it was sooo slow, the phone wasn’t ringing, and I was, did I mention, really tired?

3) My life is starting to remind me of an episode of House, M.D.  The truly scary part is that I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.  (Hell, Hugh Laurie can examine me anytime.  I’m waiting..).

4) I really, really, really miss House.  They ended it well last year, but damn, I need my House fix.  Mondays were made so much less torturous when I had the promise of an episode of House later.

5) The tornado sirens were going off, and the sun was shining, and there was no rain. None.  Not even a drop.  (Apparently, a city nearby in our county had spotted “rotation.”  And I am aware that you can have tornados without rain.  Irony, folks, irony.)

6) I was reading over some of my blog posts from last year (I have the attention span of a fruit fly) and now I really want to write more books.  Le sigh.

7) Today is my 12-year anniversary at my day job.  Yay?

8) I’ve been having recurring dreams of accidently killing my fish.  I’m trying to figure out if I’m just subconsciously worried that that will happen, or if I harbor some evil, deep-down desire to kill them.  I think I’m going with door #1. (Because I love my fish babies!)

9) The meds are starting to kick in, I think.  Wheeeeee.

10) Today I want to start on my novel revision.  I promised myself 1 page — more if I felt up to it, but a minimum of 1 page.  It’s good to have goals. (She says in an ultra-serious tone).

11) Read any good books lately?  I just finished Arclight by Josie MCQuein.  It seriously blew my mind.  I am also reading Jessica Clare’s Playing Games which is a very fun book. (Hey, sometimes I need something light and fun. Don’t hit me).  And also The Funhouse by Dean Koontz. It was the circus thing that hooked me.

12) I’ve decided to try my hand at making handmade paper.  It’s something I’ve always wanted to try after I saw some of my photography instructor’s work.  (She was also a fiber artist).

13) I miss working in my darkroom.  It needs a serious cleaning and new chemicals which I can’t afford to buy.  And I might need a new back.

14) Yes, the meds are definitely working.  Awesomesauce.

15) I have a lottery scratch-off ticket that my dear sister bought me.  It is always luckier when she buys the ticket for you.  I haven’t scratched it off yet…I’ve been, uh, procrastinating?  But I wonder what would happen if I won big money.  (I’d probably quit my job.  I’d also have a zillion people coming out of the woodwork to get their hands on it.  Better just to dream, huh?)

16) When I was younger, I was a bit obsessed with the number 16 for reasons I have yet to understand.  Then my mom got her divorce papers served on Oct. 16th four years ago, and I wonder, to this day, if I actually had a psychic moment or if it was just a coincidence.  Food for thought.

17) I believe I am done now.  Aren’t you lucky?

18) I am definitely the bug.  Hell, I feel like the smashed bug on the windshield. 

19) Life is what you make of it.  Think positive. 

20) I wish I was 20 again.  Actually, wait — I was struggling with college and two jobs, I was engaged to a loser, and I didn’t know anything about anything.  Maybe 20 isn’t the best age to go back to.  Hey, there’s probably a story idea in this…

21) Bonus! I’ve been trying my hand at flash fiction.  I love it, it’s so much fun, and, from what I can gather, I’m actually pretty good at it.  Coming soon to a Kindle near you!


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