You Might Be A Writer If…

So I saw this great post by Kristin Lamb and thought I’d do one of my own. 😉 Here we go!

1. You might be a writer if…your characters have held an intervention because you weren’t writing (yes, this happened to me. While I was at work no less).

2. You might be a writer if…you spend more time inside your head than anywhere else.

3. You might be a writer if…you know how to do several weird and quirky things because research (my weird and quirky thing is brainwashing. What’s yours?)

4. You might be a writer if…your characters whisper in your ear ALL THE TIME. (Yep, that happens. ALL THE TIME).


5. You might be a writer if…the solution to a infuriating plot issue comes to you at the most inappropriate time and you have to jot it down immediately lest it be forgotten (again, happened to me. Multiple times).

6. You might be a writer if…you’ve had painful oral surgery and you’re doped up on painkillers but you still find a way to get your words in for the day. (Yep, 2004. Removal of a titanium wire. Used a microcassette recorder. Remember those? I still have the tape somewhere…)

7. You might be a writer if…your muse is insane and wants everything written RIGHT NOW ALL THE THINGS (yes, that’s been happening to me lately).

8. You might be a writer if…you have a list of book ideas and it’s so big at present that you can’t live long enough to write them all. And then you feel weepy because you will one day have to cull that list (yep, happening now…)

9. You might be a writer if….you’ve been typing for so many years that your wrists are shot and you must baby them forever. Or, the idea of any fractures or sprains scares the crap out of you…especially when on a deadline (yep. No breaks or sprains yet. :knocks on cyber wood:  )

10. You might be a writer if…you can’t imagine doing anything else with your time, when the idea of breathing life into your stories and characters gives you a thrill, and you’re so crazy in love with it that you would die without it (yep, although it’d be due to severe depression, but still…)

11. You might be a writer if…everyone in your family knows what a plotbunny is (yep).

12. You might be a writer if…you forget to eat and don’t want to sleep while on a deadline (yes, but I know my limits so this is totally hypothetical).

13. You might be a writer if…you have an awesome family that cheers every single sale, encourages you, and keeps you sane while trying to make it as a novelist (yep — thank you guys!)

14. You might be a writer if…while doing mundane tasks at work, you think about twisty plots, run through snappy dialogue, and visualize scenes like movies in your head (guilty as charged — this is how Fey Touched came to be. One of those moments.)

15. You might be a writer if…you have a HUGE to-be-read pile of books, both print and Kindle, and you can’t bear to part with any of them…ever (yep.)

16. You might be a writer if…you put your favorite animals into your stories (Pixie from the Fey Touched books is based on a real German Shepard — except he’s male and not psychic…that we know of — and Love from Reaper Girl is a hellcat inspired by our cat, Hailey.)

17. You might be a writer if…you regularly mine the news/internet/magazines for interesting ideas for stories (my favorite? Anything science-y).

18. You might be a writer if….you’ve diligently backed up and copied every single story since day 1, spanning years upon years of fiction (I have. Over 10 years worth. I may be a bit obsessive about it. But I’ve lost nothing at all in over 10 years).

19. You might be a writer if…books and movies spark new ideas for books (yep. But please note that they aren’t copies…they are a core idea with my twist on it…)

20. You might be a writer if…you’re not making a lot of money, and can’t afford to write full time, but do it anyway because you love it and want to share your stories with the world (but a bit more money would be nice, not gonna lie, so buy my books! I mean, if you really want to….) 

That’s my list. Got any to add in comments?


  1. Love these! Here’s one I encountered tonight:

    You might be a writer if lifting weights is made fun by pretending to be a favorite character.

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