
According to my research many moons ago, “slumgullion” is a stew kept on the back of the stove in a military kitchen. All the leftovers are tossed in, and someone who misses a meal because they are out on patrol or whatever can always be sure of a hot, if somewhat mysterious, filling meal.

At least, that’s what I remember. I’m not looking it up. My point would be, oh look, KD is late posting again. Also, KD couldn’t think of anything to write about. So you get a slumgullion of hopefully tasty pictures from my phone to show you some of what I’ve been up to lately. (Except none of the work pics, because honestly, you don’t want to see the dripping ceiling or the broken door or the window or the wall or the–)

So. I found this book at the library! It’s an Obama-Biden buddy mystery! The acknowledgement page said, “Thanks, Obama.”

Heres a baby swallow who was hanging out at my work. He just decided he didn’t really care for this flying business, he was going to hang out in the shade on the ground, thank you very much. Eventually his parents did persuade him to try again.

We can’t have a catch-all post without cat antics! Cat in a bag on the sin bin.

Cat in the sun, like the glorious creature she is.

Cat awaiting the Opening of the Door. It’s so cruel–she was locked out for perhaps two minutes while her human got dressed.

Cat being weird–she just loves to sit with her nose on my hand!

Les Mis bus! I sent this to the roommate and she responded “We need tickets! Stop texting while driving!” I totally wasn’t! I mean, I was at a red light. I was only taking a picture while driving. >_>

(but I was very careful! And waited till I got home to go online and buy tickets.)

Dirty socks! This was a text I sent to my daughter, asking how long she intended to leave her dirty socks on the bathroom sink.

New pretty! Farmer’s markets don’t only sell vegetables, and this makes them even more dangerous.

Other new pretty. See above re: farmer’s markets.

And, in closing, have a glorious sunset. I would have preferred to photograph it from Gate’s Pass (mountain pass west of town which would have been even more amazing) but alas, I was not expecting such wonder that particular evening.

So, that’s it. I’ll see you next month (hopefully on time!) and I hope in the meantime you get lots of laughs and things that make you happy and pretty stuff to look at. And as few dirty socks as possible.


  1. Ahhh, gorgeous sunset! Are you going to Les Mis, then? I’m not big on musicals, but Les Mis hits allll my buttons and I’ve seen it twice, so far…

  2. I ~love~ Les Mis, and the housemate, to my shock, has never seen it, so YES, we are going! (“to my shock” because it’s her housecleaning music, and also our road trip music. On long trips we take both the Broadway cast recording and the symphonic recording, which contains every word. And the child sits in the back and complains about us singing along and then falls asleep and when she wakes up we are still singing…)

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