Over-commitment October

Good morning, friends! It’s my favorite month of the year, October, which means, as usual, I have committed to too many things.

Stupid month of possibility, letting me think I knew what the heck I was doing. Bah!

(Actually, I made the same mistake with September, so maybe it’s fall in general. Or maybe it’s me.)

I think I told you guys about the programming class. It ends at the end of the month, and I’ve reached a point in the subject matter where I just don’t quite understand what’s going on. It’s early in the week, and hopefully some of the other assignments will clarify things, but it’s still a bit frustrating.

I’ve got a major edit for a repeat client. I’m almost a quarter of the way done, and probably won’t be completely done until mid-December. English isn’t his first language, though he’s spoken it for quite some time, so there’s a lot of little fiddly things to keep an eye on.

Rehearsals have started for the Christmas show at my local church/community theater. I’ve been trying out for years and never getting anything except general ensemble, so you can imagine my surprise when they put me both in a small group and gave me a solo. Admittedly, I’m pretty sure I got said solo because of my range (I can sing tenor fairly comfortably) and not because of voice quality, so that’s a thing. I’m feeling pretty awkward about the whole thing, which hopefully is just cuz we’re early in the process. It’s easy being part of the ensemble because no one’s really looking at you. Plus I need to figure out how to act and sing at the same time. And I think I make weird faces when I’m down in my chest voice.

Ah, well. We’ve got time. And I’ve got mirrors.

Aside from the Christmas show, the big Christmas concert is also coming up, so I’ve got to learn the music for that as well. There’s one song with an available solo that I think I could do pretty well, so I’ll need to learn the solo for tryouts. And they want me to join the puppet ministry…

Plus there’s the story projects. Our super cool anthology that will be out in the spring. Siri and my sekrit project part 2. Finishing the draft of my space dinosaur adventure. Poking my YA paranormal. Storyboarding some potential picture books. And I’m a panelist at a literary convention this weekend.

And then there’s the kid stuff. Apparently all that running around starts pretty early. I thought I had a few more years.

And Christmas! If I don’t start plotting now, I’m going to be trying to do everything the week before, which is a recipe for disaster. Oh, and Thanksgiving, because apparently we’re hosting again. Boo. And let’s talk about Halloween, while we’re at it, though everyone has costumes and I really just need to pick up some candy. The neighbors across the street did a fairly impressive decorative job, and the husband looked at me expectantly, but it ain’t happening.

Goodness. What a mess.

How are you doing, friends? Hopefully you’re not trying to do five major projects on top of each other. I don’t really recommend it.

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