Sun Touched

Part 4 A free serial set in the Fey Touched universe Get caught up:  Part 1| Part 2 |Part 3 Part 5 DAY 2 — CONTINUED Ry had become a ball of agony, moaning and screaming and swearing. I continued to feel the pull of my healer self, but resisted. I couldn’t take his illness into myself. And he was the enemy…except…he didn’t feel like the enemy anymore. Maybe it was because I’d impersonated his lover, Ava, to give him comfort. Or maybe it was because I felt closer to figuring out a solution. So I was totally unprepared when there was commotion near my cell again. “Ivy!” a familiar voice called. “Where are you?” Several people in leather headed toward me. Hunters wore leather— “Sweet Artemis, it’s you!” I moved up to the bars of my cell and got a good look at who was there. Three people: Jane, my sparring partner; Tanya, our falcon-caller; and Josh, Tanya’s mate. My kin. My tribe. I couldn’t contain my happiness; it was too big for mere flesh. My wings exploded out of my back and Jane laughed. That happened to me sometimes. Okay, fine. It happened more often than not, when I was happy. I made them disappear. “Ivy?” Ry murmured roughly. “What’s—” “It’s my tribe,” I said, glancing his way. “They’ve come to rescue me.” “No! You can’t leave!” “Um, yes—” “He’s right.” The woman who’d been with Ry that first day stepped out of the shadows. Jane palmed her…

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