Starting Out with a Pain

Yeah, so 2019 has started off kind of rough for me. But to be fair, this all started late last year. It’s just carried over into this year.

So, about six months ago or thereabouts, I began having pain just above my right heel whenever I would stand up. Because I typically have random aches and pains that end up being nothing, I didn’t even think about it. But then my mom saw me hobbling around and asked what was wrong. I was like, “Oh, my heel hurts. No biggie.” Well, because she has heel spurs, she was pretty worried. And then it progressed to all the time. So it was time to see the doctor. He diagnosed Achilles Tendonitis, told me to rest it/ice it/take Motrin and call him if it wasn’t better in two weeks.

Well, it ended up being longer because the holidays were coming up and being that I don’t drive, I had to wait for someone to take me. So it was in October that I finally saw the doctor again. He wanted an MRI; my insurance squawked and made me get an X-ray, another find-a-ride-ordeal. I finally got my MRI right after Thanksgiving.

My doctor’s office called me and told me the results: Achilles Tendonitis (you don’t say?), edema (swelling), and a complete tear of the anterior something-something ligament. In other words, a very severe sprain. Now, most people who aren’t me probably know when it happened. They either fell, twisted it funny, or tripped. But not me, no siree. I have to do it wrong. Because, my friends, I have no idea how this happened. And in October when seeing the doc, I recall feeling some pain in my ankle, but not enough to think, gee, I tore a ligament. Must be why it hurts. Nope. The pain was so minimal.

So then I had to wait three weeks to see a foot doctor. The receptionist freaked out about how I was waiting so long, but again, I had to wait till someone could drive me. So on Dec. 21st, four days before Christmas, I got a walking boot and an “I don’t know what happened” from the foot doc. Oh, and a “you may need surgery on both the tendon and the ligament.” Merry Christmas!

Luckily for me, it wasn’t a weight-bearing issue, so I could walk on it. The first day was hell, but over the next few days I started getting used to it. I’ve seen my foot doc three times since then, and with the exception of last Friday, she wanted me to keep on keeping on. Meanwhile, I’ve moved my computer upstairs to limit my up-and-down movement on the stairs (but I really miss my office) and my poor hubby and mom have had to do stuff that I can’t. Ugh, it’s been awful, and I’ve been feeling horrid about it, but I want this thing to heal.

Just this past Friday, the foot doc said she wanted me to start weaning myself off the boot. I’d been feeling pretty much okay. In the boot. Out of the boot, there’s still pain. So I was a bit apprehensive about this, but have been a good patient and attempted it for three days.

And my pain level has spiked each time.

I will continue to try, and think positive, but I’m wondering if surgery is in my future after all.

It’s funny how a thing like a torn ligament can really get you down. I have to think about everything now. Dog gets underfoot, pay attention so you don’t fall and hurt yourself (or the dog) worse. Need to go downstairs? Use both hands on the rail and take it slow. Stepping down off the porch? Slow, slow, slow. Boot feels too loose? Tighten it back up. Getting dressed in the morning? Put the boot on in an hour. Need something from your office? Too bad, hubby’s got to get it. Cat needs to be fed? Hubby or Mom now. Feel like a shit because you’re not pulling your weight? Too bad. That’s the price of healing.

I’m too young to be crippled by a torn ligament.

So, yeah, that’s where I’m at. I’m trying to think positive. I’m grateful that I can bear weight because if I wasn’t able to, it’d be a nightmare. I got lucky in that it’s only one ligament, not all three.

Just wish I knew what happened so I can avoid it in the future.

But I suppose you can’t have everything, right?

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