I Look Like Groucho Marx

This has been a year so far, my friends. Yes, it has. The first half of January was eaten by Disney World, and February’s first half isn’t going so well either. I spent most of last week doing stuff for the kids (and also I got a very minor case of the flu over the weekend, yay), and yesterday I had sinus surgery. This has been a bit of a roadblock, as you can imagine. Surgery is, of course, not cheap. Plus there’s the fact that I’ve never had surgery. Or anything remotely like anesthesia. So, panic! (Though, when I told my anesthesiologist that I was feeling nervous, he said, “I have medicine for that,” and duly went and got something and put it in my IV and woah, that stuff works fast. And is also a little disconcerting.) Anyway! I won’t go into too many details. Surgery was had, I have survived, and now I’m in this weird place where I feel mostly like myself except also occasionally very sleep and a bit dizzy. Should I just plan on this being how this year is going? Only half a month is usable? Maybe so. Maybe that’s not a bad thing to assume anyway. Keep our expectations realistic and all that. Anyway, I’m going to take a nap.

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