Marie Kondo, Queer Eye, and Rejuvenation

Sometimes, things just come together. I love Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up. I’ve watched every episode. She’s so cute! And she helps people enjoy their lives more! What’s not to love? And Queer Eye–I’ve loved Queer Eye since the first episode I saw, way back when. I love the new one maybe more–no, I can’t say that. I love them both, and every single one of the guys in both shows. But I did watch the new one more recently than any of the old ones (all of season 3 on Netflix in approximately four days after it was released ahem) Rejuvenation–well, roomie was avoiding something, and I commented on how I wanted time to paint my room, and she painted my room! This color. It’s called Rejuvenation. Naturally, to get the walls painted, nearly everything had to be moved out of the room. My bed and my desk stayed, pushed into the middle of the room, but everything else outside my closet was removed. Did I mention this was spring break? This was spring break. Roomie’s school doesn’t have the office staff work over break, but my school does. So my room got painted and it’s BEAUTIFUL and I LOVE IT, and the tape got removed, and I just kept not finding time to move all my stuff back in. Because I was tired. Because I was busy. Because my room was so nice without all the crap in it! Reader, I don’t actually have a lot of crap. My…

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