If You Feed Them, They Will Come

Friends, I am tired. I was up late and also up early, dealing with teenager crises. Today after a (false alarm) freakout the roomie had over a potentially pet-harming bug in the kitchen, I promised her we didn’t have an infestation of cat-eating centipedes. I also jokingly apologized for the recent infestation of teenagers, but promised they fell into the mostly-harmless household pest category. The more I think about it, the more I think I was only a little off. They do have some similarities to many household pests. Where there’s one, there’s more. The kid’s room is like a clown car–just when you think there can’t possibly be one more human being in there, out pops another. And that one is probably a young’un you’ve never seen before. They’re nocturnal. Turn the light on late at night and they scurry for dark corners. They leave messes everywhere. Sometimes you only know they exist in your space because of the mess. If you feed them, they will come. They eat like–well, like a plague of locusts. Grocery budgets cower before them! But while I sometimes want to knock some sense into them, I never want to step on them. So…more like puppies. I’ve been known to swat them with rolled up newspapers (teenagers, not puppies, I’m aware we have better ways to train dogs now.) Yes. Like puppies. So cute when they’re asleep in little piles of adorable (how do teenagers sleep 3-5 to a bed? How?) So destructive when…

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