All the Modern Inconveniences

Once upon a time, more than twenty years ago, I was a shift manager at Taco Bell.* The next step up was assistant manager, but when the store manager sounded me out about it, I was adamant. Heck no. Assistant managers had to wear pagers. They had to be always reachable. No way was I going for that. I needed my freedom. Fast forward a few years, and some people had cell phones, but I didn’t. Never wanted one. I’m good. When the hubby decided he needed one when I was pregnant I still didn’t get one. ( “What if you go into labor??” “Who’s going to call you? Not me. I won’t have a cell phone.” ) After he passed, though, and I was a single parent, I gave in and took and used his cell phone. Single parents have to be reachable. But I didn’t have to like it. And that was easy, because it was a piece of carp from Cricket that rarely worked, so yeah. Didn’t like it. I was the last person I knew using a flip phone. When I made the jump to a “smart” phone (I was all but dragged to the Verizon store!) it was still a flip phone. (I still miss this phone. It was freakin’ cool!) Of course, I adapted. I moved on from the hybrid smart/flip phone when it stopped working well. I got a Samsung Galaxy S4-I-think. It did things. I found cool apps. I grew dependent on…

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