Go-To Movies

Life’s been…a bit rough lately. While commiserating with friends, someone asked on Twitter about “go-to” movies. The ones you watch when you just want to enjoy yourself for a while. That you trust to do that for you. I followed the thread a bit, looking for some new additions, but in the end I stuck with my own. Which, I guess, is how that works. So, while it may not be of use to you, there’s always a chance, so here’s my list in almost no order. I’ll link some of my favorite bits, in case you want to check them out. Armageddon I can’t help it. Bruce Willis at his gruffest and grumpiest? A whole team of uncivilized men being ridiculous and caring about each other? Teamwork and banter, lots of things blowing up? I am so there. “The money’s good, the scenery changes, and they let me use explosives.” The Fifth Element More Bruce Willis! Also multi-pass. And a fun DJ, and lots and lots of fun and fighting and explosions. Love Leeloo. SO MUCH. “Weddings are one floor down, my son. Congratulations.” Godzilla (1998) I love me a good monster movie. This is another one with a great team and lots of banter. The part where they are fleeing Godzilla in a cab, arguing over the best route? Just fills me with delight. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph that is really..that is…large.” Twister Dr. Jo Harding, awesomesauce. Bill “the Extreme” Harding, estranged hubby still in love. A great…

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