They Say Most People Give Up on Their Resolutions by Jan 19

Which would be funny, really, since I was talking about my yearly theme on the 14th.

But hey, my year of education continues apace. At least for the first month. I finished both my writing book and my sketch journaling class. I did my two prompts just to write.

(I also put out a nonfiction book and wrote the midpoint reversal and dark moment on a scifi horror novella I’m working on.)

So! Month 2!

Doing okay. This month I’m taking a figure drawing class (though not, like, one where I sit and draw naked people somewhere. More cartoon-like, like anime or Don Bluth-style wise). It’s going fine, though my shortcomings as an artist are really coming out. But hey! This is why we practice.

I’ve done the first of my prompts and have picked the Pinterest pins for the next one.

I haven’t started my writing book. Whoops. I did pick one out–Fixing Your Plot & Story Structure Problems by Janice Hardy–but I’ve got library books out and you know how THAT goes.

(If you don’t, I’ve got to read them before they’re due or I shall lose them, because they’re newer books and other people have holds.)

(We went to the library yesterday and I sat in the car to avoid the temptation.)

(I have a nonfiction book called What to Eat When that I read about in National Geographic, and a YA scifi novel called The Light at the Bottom of the World.)

But all in all, still going relatively strong!

And, as Erin pointed out, TDP’s tenth anniversary is this year! Wow! I can still remember thinking how crazy we were at the time, and how it would be amazing if it worked out. Ten years! Madness.

How’s your year and your goals going thus far?

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