Help, This is Too Introverted Even for Me

I am introvert. I think many, if not most, writers are introverts. After all, most of us are perfectly happy spending an afternoon with our writing instruments of choice or a nice book, not being interrupted by other people.

But, that being said, I do occasionally like to talk to other people. Hang out at a coffee shop. Go for a nice hike. Discuss writing with other writers (or get sidetracked on the latest scifi/fantasy books/movies/TV shows instead).

But alas, we are all trapped. Except I am trapped with my family, which means I’m not actually getting any alone time, because if I go off on my own, someone will invariably set something on fire.

(They haven’t yet, but you never know.)

It’s a weird mix, isn’t it? Alone yet not, yet not in a combination that is generally helpful for anything.

I’ve started having virtual coffee dates with my friends. They’re working okay, until one of our children arrive (or, in some awful cases, both of our children). Except I keep watching myself on the screen, or taking note of the fact that the pictures on the wall in the office continue to be crooked, no matter how many times I straighten them, or I somehow forget how to drink coffee and make a mess.

But it is good to see people, even from afar, and even in weird circumstances. Even if half the time someone’s Internet glitches and then the whole thing crashes.

(I made the mistake on Saturday of restarting my router, thinking that because I was on a computer that was wired that it would be fine, but I was wrong.)

God I want out of the house so very bad.

I mean, I’ve been out. I get out about once a week, normally to run an errand or two. But it is not a rewarding experience. It is stressful, and the masks fog up my glasses. And no one wants to–or should–chat.

I understand that it’s all necessary, but aaaaaahhhhhhh

How are you holding up?


  1. I am lucky enough to be working from home sans kids, though I do have to listen to my husband’s work calls (he’s on the phone a lot more than I am). But I miss my friends and outside activities like crazy, and I hate how stressful running errands has become. (Or rather, errand, since grocery stores and pharmacies are about the only things open. Well, and restaurants, but we just order in rather than doing takeout.) Video chats, text chats, and music livestreams are keeping me sane, more or less. But it’s still really bleeping hard.

    Hang in there, us!

  2. I rarely go anywhere and I am starting to feel it, too.

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