The Dread is a Lie

I didn’t want to get up yesterday. I woke up at 5:30, when my alarm wasn’t going off till 6, and thought about not getting out of bed for a while. Only I had to go to the bathroom, so that didn’t work for long. But I tried. One thing I thought while I lay there? I didn’t want to go outside and deal with my plants. Too much effort, I thought. Couldn’t they just take care of themselves? Well no. Clearly they can’t. They’ll reach the point where they don’t need watered every day, but not for a while yet—at the very least, they need bigger pots to hold water for more than a day! Not all of them need watering every day, though. Surely the bigger ones would rather NOT be watered every day? So, I promised myself. No dealing with the irrigation (which STILL isn’t all put together.) No repotting anything. All I had to do was water the plants that wouldn’t last the day without it, and then I could be done. Once I got out there, that’s not how it went. I watered the plants that needed it. Then I saw the rosemary that’s been under attack by spider mites, and remembered treating it three times a week meant it was time to do that. So I did. Then I realized that if I repotted the tomatoes I’d accidentally planted three together in a pot (my hand slipped or something, I don’t know) separately while…

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