Not Going to Talk About the Pandemic, I Swear

We’ll see how far I get. I mean, I’m still scatter brained as all get out, but I feel like I’m slowly starting to adjust and make progress on things.


I mean, I forgot to put red peppers on the grocery list, and it’s possible just a few minutes ago I called my husband to ask where he’d hidden the red peppers that I need to make dinner. And it’s also possible that he had no idea what I was talking about.

It’s also possible that I spent an hour and a half this afternoon playing phone games instead of editing a certain short story I owe people or, you know, remembering it was my turn to blog.

I blame the non-existent red peppers. That I still need for dinner.

Siri always talks about her vegetable garden, which always makes me a bit jealous. You see, I also have a vegetable garden, but invariably something goes wrong and I don’t get much out of it.

This year we made it larger and built a fence (the dog keeps eating the irrigation) and deployed Tertill, a weeding robot made by the same company that invented the Roomba.

(We kickstarted Tertill a few years ago, but didn’t get to use it last year because we didn’t do a garden. Here’s an intro video for it.)

The plan was to plant corn, chamomile, cantaloupe, carrots, broccoli, onions, cucumbers and sugar peas.

We planted everything except the chamomile over a few weeks, but then the trouble started. There was trouble getting the irrigation laid, so the seeds got uneven watering. Tertill kept getting stuck on the irrigation, the metal fencing provided so he wouldn’t accidentally weed the vegetables, holes of his own making, the fence, the signs that said what was planted where, etc.

(Tertill is adorable and it does help with the weeds, but it’s also the dumbest little robot. I love him but sometimes he needs more help than he’s providing.)

So here we are, three or four months in, and the broccoli, corn, onions, and peas never grew. I have approximately 3 carrots, and the cucumbers and melons haven’t started making vines so there’s nothing on that front. Where we planted the peas, we’ve instead got potatoes.

(Not because we accidentally planted potatoes, but in previous years we have, and apparently we didn’t harvest them all last time.)

A riveting harvest, I tell you what. Mostly the vegetable garden is a playpen for Tertill until he gets stuck somewhere and I have to go rescue him.

I have my red peppers now, so off I go. Stay safe, stay strong.

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