Bloomin’ Hell

Well, not so much hell, really, although it is August and one could certainly be forgiven for getting the two confused…

Anyway. This is an orchid. I never had an orchid before, but this one seems pretty happy.

This is a Christmas cactus. It is Very Confused. It’s been suggested that I take it outside and wave it at August to try to get some cooler weather, but I am not confident it would not take harm in the effort, so I don’t.

I have a green thumb. Inside, at least (no, I’m not linking the mostly-dead garden, go find it yourself if you want.) My mom was the same. We had houseplants all over the house, and everything grew like it was safe in the wild wherever it originally came from. Friends were envious, as she grew things in tin cans and coffee cups if no other pot was available, and they couldn’t keep pothos alive.

Pothos are supposed to be THE easiest plant to keep alive, for the record. They die slowly if you forget to water (and a few leaves at a time, so you have warning signs if you look) and they don’t mind low light nearly as much as some. The plant in my pic is one of four that I care for, the littlest one because it’s in a pretty dark place. I want it that way, as I want it to stay small.

Outside of my tried and true houseplants, though, I don’t have a lot of faith in my green thumb, because I have no idea why plants grow for me. I mean, I water them and try to make sure they get the amount of light they need and put them in places away from plant-eating cats–

It’s okay, I gave him the grass.

–but I generally forget you’re supposed to feed them sometimes, I don’t repot until I see roots coming out, and even then it will probably still be a while before I get to it, –frak, I forget my third point. I did have one! I blame the fact that it is way too early in the morning as I’m writing this. (But KD, you get up at six every d–hush, you.)

Anyway. Not a lot of faith in my green thumb. People will tell you “oh, bamboo! that lives forever,” but I know it’s not bamboo, it’s a kind of dracaena and also mine tend to die. They take years to do it, but it’s definitely not forever. And yes, I’ve tried the “replace the water weekly and only use good water” method. That one died faster than the one (and only) that is still going, which is occasionally topped off with water from the tap.

I had two that were doing well, but a student threw one of the across the room last week and I’m pretty sure it’s not gonna make it.

So with the not-a-lot-of-faith thing, it’s both rewarding and worrying that the reason I have an orchid blooming is that when the last bloom died off, the CEO told her executive assistant to put it on my desk, as I have “a way” with plants.

What if it had died?

Do I have a point with all this plant-rambling? No, not really. Just wanted to share some pictures of flowers. And also this plant-child, who is taking over my room.

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