Nasty, Disturbing, Uncomfortable Things

Friends, this is the middle of nowhere.

a dirt road with no buildings in sight

Note the vultures, if you can spot them. I only caught two in this shot, but there were eight of them. They circled for two hours, while friend and I sat with my car, hoping someone would come along with a lugwrench that would work on a damaged lugnut my tire iron couldn’t handle.

Why, yes, it was great fun! Why do you ask?

Hanging by my bedroom door where I see it every morning, is a sign that says “Every day is a new adventure.” I try to live by it. Sometimes it’s easy. Sometimes I end up sitting by the side of the road.

A couple weeks ago, we went to Sedona. That was awesome. Here is a picture from NOT in the middle of nowhere (because we were enjoying a great meal at a great restaurant–on the open-air balcony, of course–when I took it.)

In fact, here’s another gorgeous pic, possibly from the same balcony, because we ate there the whole weekend, it was that good.

That adventure went well. We enjoyed pretty much every moment of it. But that’s the nature of adventure—you don’t know what you’re gonna find until you find it.

Sort of like a box of chocolates, yeah?

Though I do love adventure, I’m currently somewhat unwillingly trying to expand my horizons. I’m very busy right now, and I don’t have a lot of time for it. I’d like to stay closer to home! I love Mount Lemmon, an hour’s drive from my house to the top where it’s thirty degrees cooler, but the Bighorn fire damage still has much of my beloved mountain closed. So we went to Sedona, and then we went south, to check out the Chiricahua mountains.

This is Chiricahua National Monument, picture not by me.

Chiricahua National Monument Historic Designed Landscape - 20170318203141.jpg
By CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

The monument was actually the main aim of our expedition, and it was lovely. It was also free, so if you’re ever in the area, don’t miss it if you can possibly help it. We drove nearly two hours to see it, and it was worth every minute of an enjoyable drive.

This is Texas Canyon, which you’ll drive through if you take I-10 to Willcox.

Be careful, though, at the rest stop.

Is this just a post of pictures from my adventures, without substance? Well, pretty much. Here’s a hike I would have loved to have taken in Sedona, but I don’t hike when it’s over 90°. Weird, I know.

And here’s a screenshot of what I got when I looked for campgrounds around me, recently. Since I’m expanding my horizons, I’m excited by all those little tent symbols.

Actually, I think this was when I looked while in Sedona. 🙂 The app is The Dyrt, and I expect to go pro with it soon.

We were actually on our way to have a look at a campground when my tire went flat and we got stranded at the side of the road, apparently beyond the reach of any tow trucks my insurance company works with.

Yeah, that was fun.

This adventure thing, man.

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