Walking Weather

I think I’ve written before about how I spent this summer either gardening or hiding from the heat indoors. (It hit 30 C / 85 F all of a sudden at the beginning of the summer, and pretty much stayed there until the end of August, when it dropped suddenly.) We had a truly ridiculous tomato harvest from early August until the end of September, so that sucked up most of my outdoors time and energy.

But now the tomatoes are done (or at least all picked and ripening indoors). It’s well and truly fall…and for me, that means time to revisit my favourite nearby walks and seek out all the colours.

I started walking just about on the fall equinox, and have kept it up pretty steadily for the two weeks since then…not every single day, but many of them. That’s new for me; I like walks but have never done them so regularly (not counting ten minutes here and there during the public-transit commute I don’t have right now).

Most of the walks are pretty short, twenty or thirty minutes, squeezed in at random times between work and other tasks. But I’m already noticing a physical difference–I will admit I’ve been feeling pretty creaky during this time of remote working, and I’m positive I’m too young to be creaky! The walks are also proving to be an excellent stress reliever and mindfulness tool…which I knew, of course, but it’s amazing how often one needs to be reminded. I often take photos along the way, which means there’s a creative component too.

It’s going to get trickier, as the weather gets worse and the days get shorter. I’m hoping that my new baby habit will carry me through. In Norwegian, there’s the saying “Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær!” which roughly translates to “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes!” (Side note: I had heard the expression in English and knew that it came from Norwegian, but didn’t actually know what it was in Norwegian until I looked it up just now. It rhymes! It’s so cute!) We’ll see how far I can get with that philosophy against the Toronto winter, which can get truly gross at times (but probably not as much of the time as I tend to think it does).

For now, though, we have days like this one. (Did I mention how much I love trees, the older the better?)

Until next time…just keep swimming! (Ha. Swimming’s good too.)

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