What a Year This Week Has Been

As evidenced by the fact that it’s Thursday and I was supposed to post this on Tuesday. It’s been a week, hasn’t it? There was the never-ending U.S. presidential election that ended, but also kind of didn’t because certain people are being sore losers. At this point I’m so tired of the whole thing that I can’t even be bothered to be frustrated. There was the vaccine news that seemingly went nowhere. There were bizarre rumors about Putin resigning and Tumblr got taken over by Destiel going canon. And COVID-19 cases are reaching their highest levels and the schools are shutting back down, thus depriving me of the little free time I’d managed to scrounge up over the last month. (I already miss it.) God, I’m so tired. In March, when everything shut down, did any of us think we’d still be here now? I mean, logically, I think we knew, but emotionally, no. Are we ever going to get to see our extended families again? Our friends? Go to new places and try new things? It’s almost worst now. Back in March and April, when we were all home, we adapted. I had virtual coffee dates with friends and we did a virtual Easter lunch with our family. But now, it’s like people are trying to squeeze out what normalcy they can, and we’ve mostly gotten the responsibilities back instead of the good times. Man. I am depressing myself. This year has been so weird. Things that happened in…

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