November Has Fried My Brain

What day is it? Where am I? Who are you? Oh, friends, what is happening? Don’t ask me, I don’t know. Like KD, I’m also doing Nano this year. But is it going well? It is not. And, I mean, the story itself is going fine! It’s fun to write, and the writing is flowing reasonably well. But everything else is kind of melting around it. Seriously. Problems are cropping up left and right, deadlines have come out of the woodwork, people I’ve been trying to get a hold of for months are finally calling me back, and there’s work happening that I scheduled months ago. I haven’t been this busy in a long time. They say that having more on your plate helps you get more done, but at some point you also start to lose track of what’s happening around you. Or things get forgotten about because you’ve got twenty things you’re trying to keep track of. Or your to-do list gets so long it’s overwhelming to even look at it. I want to say that it’s going to get better soon. But I also know that it isn’t. Even if I manage to get on top of everything that’s going on right now, there’s fifteen other things that I’m ignoring for my own sanity that will, eventually, need to be dealt with. Plus the holidays are coming up ridiculously fast and all the grandparents want ideas, and they are very impatient about waiting for answers. Is thereā€¦

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