Help, It’s Got Me

Man, what a year thus far, amirite? I’m actually doing pretty well so far. Hopefully that will last, though I did lose two hours this morning to the soundtrack from Encanto. Not on purpose. There’s a song called We Don’t Talk About Bruno in the movie, and it’s been stuck in my head for about a week now. So, yesterday, I tried to knock it out by playing the song over and over and over and over, which is normally how I deal with this sort of problem. And it kind of worked! But then the small, mobile ones got it stuck in their heads, and they are perfectly happy to sing the same thing over 20 million times, so now it’s back. Yay. I even found a 1-hour loop of the best part of the song, but I think that might only be aggravating the problem. Anyway, very distracting. Send help. Or listen to the song and join the madness with me. This week has actually been pretty weird. I’m waiting on the results of a COVID test I did Monday morning, which means my whole week is in limbo. I can’t go back to work until I get the results, and I can’t plan anything til I get the results, and I also can’t, you know, hang out at coffee shops or run errands til I get the results. This is the first test I’ve had to take. I’ve been lucky thus far, so I haven’t had to…

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