Second Chance

Part 4: Manifestation a serial ghost story by Erin Zarro Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 “Oh my God,” Shelley said softly. “I’ve never seen this before.”               The dogs and cats went crazy, but Shelly managed to calm them down. Still, Larry and Moe, the two cats, stood at attention, ears perked, ready to defend us from the intruder.               I was looking at Adam.               Well, sort of. He was transparent, but he had a body. He wore what looked like jeans and a Bon Jovi t-shirt — unsurprisingly. His face reminded me of a ghost’s — his eyes were simply two empty holes filled with darkness. He had a mouth. And he glowed so brightly that it almost hurt my eyes to look at him.               And he was not sixteen anymore. He looked to be about my age. But I did not believe in ghosts. So, what was going on?               I probably should have been scared, but oddly enough, I really wasn’t.               Shelley’s hand grabbed my wrist before I could move closer. As if she’d known what I was about to do. “No, don’t go to him. We don’t even know if this is really him.”               Bubba growled softly as if he agreed with her statement.               Not taking my eyes off of Adam, I asked, “What do you mean? It’s clearly him. I feel it.”               “Lower-vibrational beings can do all sorts of things to make you think they are someone you…

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