Standing Up for Myself

Apparently, scientists are finding that too much sitting is as bad for you as smoking. That’s pretty scary! Especially considering I spend much of my work day on the computer, then come home and spend a lot of my evening trying to write books (or on the computer avoiding writing books. Don’t judge.)

I’ve been watching the studies, and if anything they’ve become more convinced of this. And, oddly enough, I do like to stand up to type–it’s unexpected, but I do it sometimes, because i just don’t want to sit anymore, or I want to dance, or whatever. I do it. Until my back hurts from bending over the desk, anyway, and then I sit down, because what choice do I have?

Well, now I have a choice. After literal years of watching the price for an adjustable desk go from $500 to $350 to $275–I found a highly-rated one on great sale for about $150. And I pounced.

Unfortunately, I don’t have room for two desks. So. Pour one out for my old friend. I’ve written a couple books at this desk, and edited more.

Desk with hutch and bookshelves above the work surface which is cluttered with rocks and papers and pens.
I’m going to miss the hutch. And the drawer. Storage is so lovely a thing to have. And I’ll need to find a new place for Huggsley (the squid.)

But. I want to stand up sometimes. It’ll be good for me, and also fun, since I have a balance board. I even caught a good simultaneous sale on an under-the-desk treadmill!

So. Time for some furniture assembly.

As I told my family (with a lot of swear words) –if you have a choice, never try to put something together with the garbage tools that come with your item. At least get yourself a crescent wrench and a screwdriver with switchable bits (electric a plus!) You will save yourself So. Much. Grief.

Garbage wrench, next to my not-expensive crescent wrench for comparison. Out of focus because my camera wanted to be a jerk.

Here’s the base. It wasn’t too hard to put together, yay!

But that little silver spinny bar down there, that I had to connect to another bar. With this.

Okay, there was a larger hollow cylinder, and the wee bitty screws hold that in place. Still. Tiny AF, and it seems like they could have just made it all one piece?

But whatever. Desk. I wanted it, so I carried on.

Assembling the top. I’m really pleased–isn’t it pretty? It feels pretty solid, too.

And here it is! It didn’t take long. I’ve definitely dealt with worse. (tools. Get. Decent. Tools.)

It might have taken longer, but my supervisor here didn’t let me sit down once.

This is the initiation, where I piled everything from the bed on it so I could go to bed.

Is that Sting, you ask? Why yes. Yes, that is Sting.

This is the “okay, I piled everything from the bed onto the new desk and I don’t want the cat up there yet” height. Top height is 48 inches I think? High enough I can put my whole chair under it if I want.

Here it is the next day, with my computer on it and my chair before it, waiting for me to take turns sitting and standing and dancing, but definitely writing.

That’s gonna happen. Yep. It’s time. I got a new desk and everything!

Next up–the treadmill.


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