Heigh Ho, My Costume’s Ready to Go

Hiya, friends! My convention that I’m cosplaying at is this weekend, and I’m happy to report that, at least costume-wise, I’m ready to go! I did a dry-run of it for a few hours today, which went decently well. I highly recommend dry-running any complicated costume you might be thinking of doing. Saves you problems later on. (I learned this the hard way when I did my most complicated costume to date, Titania from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. This costume included me making boots, armor, fake belts, a lined coat, etc. and involved wig styling. But I didn’t try it out before the con, and ended up only lasting about three hours. I was too hot, my wig was too heavy and wouldn’t stay on even with it being pinned in place, I couldn’t wear a bag because of the chest/back/shoulder armor, I could barely sit comfortably…) (And hence I have never done an armored costume again.) I wore my boots for about eight hours. They hurt a bit near the end, but not too bad. I almost spent a lot more time on my feet than I typically do at the con, so not too worried. I wore my FX contacts for about an hour and a half. I have issues with contacts–my eyes started rejecting them when I was 24–but they felt okay. A little dry, though, so probably worth it to invest in some re-hydrating drops before the con. The biggest issue is that they don’t stay…

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Trying Out Cosplay Again

I know I’ve talked about cosplay here before, friends, but here we are. Actively doing it. Again. It feels a little weird, honestly. It’s been years. 2014 was the last time, to be exact, when I put together an Amy Pond cosplay out of clothes I owned and a red wig I first wore for my Joshua cosplay back in 2009 (but has been ever so useful since then for a number of different characters). And before that was 2011, when I made a steampunk outfit for AnomalyCon, and then 2010 was Agatha Heterodyne for WonderCon… This year I’m doing Crowley from Good Omens. (If you haven’t watched the miniseries yet, I highly recommend it if you have access to it. I’m also re-reading the book, and the series is pretty much spot on, except it’s expanded the emotional arcs for Crowley and Aziraphale.) I used to be a very dedicated cosplayer. I made my own patterns, started costumes months before they were needed so I had time to design and sew. I made armor and shoes from scratch. I (badly) styled wigs. I tried for screen accuracy when appropriate and was not against adding my own flourishes when not. It took a lot of time and money, though, and generally was bad news for writing (I find it hard to spend a lot of time on two different creative endeavors at the same time). I do miss it, though, especially the design aspect, and the problem-solving of taking something…

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