KD’s Latest Escape

Say, friend…have you experienced the fun of reaction videos? You have? Yeah, I’m not surprised. I’m always late to trends and stuff (and sometimes blog posts, oops. Sorry.) But I’m still enjoying my find! It started with…okay, I’ve been having a rough month or so. I’ve known Pentatonix for a while. A dear friend basically (through the internet, very impressive) grabbed me by the shirt and made me listen to them years ago. And I liked it! Very much. But somehow I didn’t really fall in. Last month, though, I was attempting to get into the Christmas spirit by listening to all the carols I could stand. (I can’t help it. I have a low tolerance for fifty versions of the same song.) Obviously I was putting Pentatonix on that playlist, since they change, enhance, update everything they do, and I need that variety. (Aside–it will never cease to amuse me, to see Hallelujah treated as a Christmas song.) Anyway, at some point, I was using YouTube to make it easy. You know, click on two or three videos, and then let YouTube play you twenty-seven different videos of Josh Groban singing “You Raise Me Up.” …okay, the algorithm is not that bad. But it does have its moments, which I tend to forget. So there I was, listening to the seventh time through of…oh, I think I was on yet another version of Josh Groban (I do love him, but I don’t want seven in a row, thanks) So…

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Thank God for Physical Therapy

Well, of course it’s a Godsend after having foot surgery. I’m getting my mobility back, one step at time. But did you know that PT is really good for writerly brainstorming? We do mostly the same things every time—strength building, weight bearing, massage. At the end, I get “stim and cold pack” which just means using a TENS unit to give me electrical pulses and putting an ice pack on my foot. So there’s about fifteen minutes where I’m literally doing nothing but thinking. Or resting. Or zoning. Sleeping, no. Not yet, anyway. <grin> So I hit a wall in The Vanishing, my work in progress. Reaper Girl #3. Due in August. (No pressure.) I couldn’t figure out how to get from one place in the plot to another. Everything I thought about felt lame and too easy and contrived. I’d last left Leliel and Rick at their favorite diner, sharing breakfast and discussing the <something spoilery> they found. They needed to discover the next plotty bit. I was tired of not writing (Sunday doesn’t count because Game of Thrones finale) or writing just a few hundred words (deadline) so I started poking my muse and asking her questions. And while I am still a bit shaky on the what, I do have a bonus why. I figured out quite a lot in that short fifteen-minute period. I have literally had no other time to really dig into it. I was planning on doing a freewrite—which I still might do—but…

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