Whittling Away at the TBR List

Like many authors and some other people, I hoard books. I hardly go into a bookstore, used book store, or library book sale and come out empty handed. But then do we read those books? Oho, of course not. There’s always something shinier, or your holds have come in at the library, or you were passing a shelf at the library and saw a cover you had to have, etc. (I try to mitigate this somewhat by delegating shiny books to either my Amazon wishlist or my library account’s For Later list. In the pandemic age, where the library is closed, I have found myself buying eBooks of the things that would normally have gone on the library list, so this is not helpful.) (Especially since the library’s digital library is available, so who even knows.) In December we had to buy a new six-foot bookcase to accommodate the books just laying about, so when 2020 started, I made a pledge. And that pledge was to read one book that I’d bought at a library book sale a month. Since I typically read 3-5 books a month (though more like 6-8 in the pandemic age), this still allows me leeway to read whatever else I felt like. Now, I’ve made pledges like this before. A few years ago, I thought I’d read one new book off every bookcase shelf until I made it all the way through all my many bookcases (and then start over, I assume). I think I…

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