Why Perfectionism Sucks

About a week ago, I read an awesome poem on Instagram. I follow a lot of poets on there, and I collect prompts and post my own stuff and generally try to participate in the poetry community when I can. Anyway, this poem inspired me, and I commented to the poet that I “might write an after poem inspired by it.” (An “after poem” is basically that — a poem inspired by another poem, or a response to it). The poet was obviously excited and happy to read that because she said, “Please, please do!” So I did. The poem was on “All the Places I’ve Lost Myself.” But my version didn’t quite hit the mark; in fact, I believe I veered completely off course. As one does. Oops? I wasn’t happy with it. Well, it wasn’t bad per se. It just wasn’t what I was hoping for as an after poem. If you recall, these Instagram poems are part of my Bad Poetry Project, so they don’t have to be perfect. But all of a sudden, the perfectionism monster reared its ugly head. One revision, I told myself. Just to get it right. I had some better ideas. I was sure I could nail it. And…I almost did? But not quite. Not quite. Now, here’s the problem. I am a total perfectionist. I know this about myself. I’m not allowed to make mistakes, not allowed to be anything less than 100% perfect. Why? I suspect trauma — being bullied,…

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Freaky Fast February

Is it just me or is the shortest month of the year feeling REALLY short this year? That’s my excuse for posting today instead of Tuesday. Yes. But also, what, Monday is halfway through the month? What have I accomplished? Where has the time gone? (I am, at least, on top of Valentine’s Day. I pre-ordered heart-shaped pizza for my family.) (I can’t eat pizza unless I want to regret my life, so I pre-ordered something else for myself.) (Don’t tell my family, it’s a surprise.) Seriously, though, I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing all month. Mostly I’ve been focused on what I hope is the final revision of the first book of a high fantasy trilogy I’ve been working on for literally forever, but it’s not really getting anywhere. Which is quite frustrating, because I have the time and energy necessary, but am lacking direction. So maybe that’s why the month feels like it’s getting away from me. Lack of accomplishment. Or maybe it’s just going by really fast. Time is weird, especially lately, amirite? What do you think, friends? How’s time flowing for you this month?

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