Car Repair Interlude

Hi, friends! How are you? I’m screaming internally but am otherwise fine. Let’s break things up by having a car repair story. Ah, cars. So useful, and yet occasionally so frustrating. Especially when it’s a silly problem. Like, on my last car, there were these trim pieces around the wheel wells. And every so often one of the trim pieces would fall off, and I’d have to go get a new one put on. Sometimes I only went a few weeks between having to go get new trim pieces. In the great scheme of problems, not a big one. It’s not like the trim pieces affected how the car drove at all. But the repeatability of the problem and the number of times I had to go in for it eventually drove me mildly insane. Eventually I had all the trim pieces taken off for my own sanity, though it turns out they were either holding the edges of the car body together, or maybe the car body was just put together a little unevenly because they knew it’d be covered up by trim pieces. Who knows! Anyway, so in November, I got a new car. The old one was 10 years old and starting to have weird problems (one of the wheels was slowly dissolving, which was a new one), so I upgraded. And because everything is computers now, it came with a giant touch screen in the middle that controls all the internal things–temperature, music, etc.–as well as…

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