Christmas Blessings

I’ve had some pretty crappy things happen in the past few months, things that have tested my strength and the strength of my marriage.  However, I have much to be grateful for. I have an amazing family.  Not only are they generous and wonderful, but they’ve all helped my husband and I when we needed it, especially during this time.  They gave us things they didn’t have to give.  They’ve tried to keep our spirits up.  My in-laws even dropped everything and came over just to talk.  To give us love and support, something we really needed. In the wake of what happened (and I’m intentionally being vague for privacy reasons), I was very, very angry.  Mostly at the other people involved, at our circumstances, and at myself.  While it wasn’t my fault or my husband’s, I felt responsible for our financial well-being and got down on myself for not making enough money to carry us. Typical me, though.  I’ve always had the highest expectations of myself. 

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