Keeping it All in the Air

Yesterday at work I kept glancing at my calendar. I’d highlighted Tuesday the 25th in orange at some point, and I didn’t know why. All day it bothered me. Orange is a danger color. If it had been green, I’d have known I was expecting money. Yellow is day(s) off. Yellow is for sunshine and joy!

*cough* Orange. Something to be aware of, but not bad. Bad would be pink.

 Have you guessed it? Of course I was reminding myself that I was up on TDP today. I think. I hope.

It’s been a month since school started up for me. It doesn’t feel like that long–I’ve spent most of it with my head down, powering through. I’m more than halfway done with one of the courses because I had to take it in an 8-week format or not at all.

Life, of course, has not had the courtesy to slow down while I chase another dream. Sometimes I feel like one of those plate jugglers–I’ve got work spinning pretty well on its pole, the writing plate sitting safely on the table for the moment, parenting spinning nicely, housekeeping, school–oh, need a story! Get that plate going, but now parenting is wobbling, run to that end of the table, then back to give some energy to work…

As I tell myself, and friends tell me often, I’ve got this. It’s just a little wild, but I got this.

For the first time in my life, I’m consistently using a calendar. It would help if I’d use it a little more clearly, but hey. Baby steps. I am, as Flylady would put it, calendar-challenged. Any progress is to be celebrated.

I’ve set up a daily schedule, too. Next step is following it.

For a long time I resisted all organizational skills, choosing instead to be “creative” and “impulsive.” Freaking lost is what I was a lot of the time, and I can’t imagine how many hours I’ve wasted looking for things that should never have been misplaced. Now, of course, life gets to laugh, because not only am I trying to teach myself the skills I rejected for so long, but I am trying to convince my child that being organized helps us to be creative and spontaneous.

If things are never under control, I tell her, it’s not spontaneity when things go wild. It’s just business as usual, and generally not much fun. Things rarely go wild in a good way, after all, when it’s happening because you forgot to take care of something back when it was a small issue.

We’re Loki fans in this household, so “Chaos” is not a bad word. However I do point out that Loki had a plan, and it almost worked. My family wouldn’t do as well, stacked against the Avengers.

Which movie, by the way, will be in my mailbox tonight. Maybe that’s what the orange was really about?

ETA: Orange was not to remind me to post, nor was it to remind me that The Avengers was coming today. It was to remind me that I was going to be interviewed for an orientation video that may be seen by thousands, so try to dress nice.

Um, oops?

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